STOP !!!
Apakah sistim pengaman yang ada
pada kendaraan anda sudah benar - benar mengamankan
kendaraan anda ! jika belum . . . .
Untuk itulah kami ciptakan
ALARM MOTOR yang handal dan dapat mengamankan sepada motor anda. Alarm kami
tidak menimbulkan efek terhadap mesin, dan hanya menkonsumsi tenaga
listrik battery sewaktu alarm berkerja. Jadi
sama sekali tidak mempunyai efek terhadap penampilan dan
performa mesin.
jenis curanmor adalah dengan menggunakan kunci letter T atau kunci duplikat. Apabila
sudah dipasang Alarm ini, begitu dicuri pakai kunci letter T atau yang lainnya,
maka klakson akan berbunyi untuk membuat panik pencuri, dan secara otomatis
mesin tidak dapat dihidupkan. Alarm akan berhenti berbunyi secara otomatis
setelah lebih kurang 25 detik.
1. Tidak menggangu kelistrikan motor.
2. Tahan air dan panas.
3. Harga terjangkau.
4. Praktis pemasangannya.
5.Auto reset
5.Auto reset
Pada dasarnya pemakai
ingin meyakinkan bahwa ALARM nya sudah bekerja dengan baik dan penempatannya
bebas terserah Anda.
Dengan saklar manual inilah
pemakai juga sudah merasa yakin akan ALARM MOTOR nya
yang sudah AKTIF .....
Untuk 1 paket alarm dijual dengan harga Rp 65.000,-
2 komentar:
WakingNews Alarm Clock app
WakingNews Alarm Clock is yet another beta app release with some potential. It functions primarily as an alarm clock. You set an alarm as usual and it goes off on time as usual. However, this one reads you the news from a variety of sources when it goes off. So it functions a little bit like old school radio alarm clocks. It has several good news sources, including Yahoo Finances, Yahoo Sports, Engadget, etc. However, there are some lesser sources of words there as well. Thankfully, you can choose the sources that play when the alarm goes off. It's in beta so there are definitely bugs. It is also free and has potential.
WakingNews Alarm Clock app
WakingNews Alarm Clock is yet another beta app release with some potential. It functions primarily as an alarm clock. You set an alarm as usual and it goes off on time as usual. However, this one reads you the news from a variety of sources when it goes off. So it functions a little bit like old school radio alarm clocks. It has several good news sources, including Yahoo Finances, Yahoo Sports, Engadget, etc. However, there are some lesser sources of words there as well. Thankfully, you can choose the sources that play when the alarm goes off. It's in beta so there are definitely bugs. It is also free and has potential.
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